Category: Florists Category: Florists
Address: 4 Chatsworth Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire, SK7 6BH
Landline: 0800 63...
: 01625 548629
Website: Visit Website
Website: Visit Website
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silk flowers, wedding flowers, fresh flowers, exotic flowers, same day flowers, flowers in wilmslow
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All of our flowers are arranged by experienced florists and delivered by the nearest available florist - never from a central warehouse. This guarantees your flowers gift will always be made from the freshest, longest lasting flowers available.Same Day UK Delivery if order is placed before 13:00 (1.00 PM), unless otherwise stated. UK Relay charge of £4.50 applies. Sundries, contents and colour may vary from those illustrated. ...
Specialist Services Wilmslow's longest established florist, Town Flowers has been at the centre of Wilmslow for over 20 years, providing high class products with a high class service